Lit. (2017): Impact Anode Size, Amperage Creep on Anode Management.
Lit.(2014): Anode Management Options during Smelter Capacity Creep.
Atmosphere: Conversion Factors of Pressure Units
Bar: Conversion Factors of Pressure Units
Primary Smelters of the World (Light Metal Age)
Electrolytic Volume Production
Specific Electrolytic Production
Electrolytic Volume Production
Specific Electrolytic Production
Celsius: Conversion of Temperatures
Conversion Equation for the Volume of an Ideal Gas
Conversion Factors of Pressure Units
Conversion of Energy Balance Units
Haupin Equivalent Weight Ratio
Tabereaux Equivalent Weight Ratio
Fahrenheit: Conversion of Temperatures
2002: Model of Fluoride Evolution.
1993: Model of Fluoride Evolution.
1984: Model of Fluoride Evolution.
Conversion Equation for the Volume of an Ideal Gas
Lit. (2013): Nonlinear Shallow-Water Model.
Lit. (2013): Impact of MHD and Bubbles Forces on Alumina Concentration.
Lit. (2013): Electrolytic Bubble Behaviour.
Lit. (2012): Mechanism of Transport between Anode-Bath Interface and Active Bubble Generation Sites.
Lit. (2008): Resistance Due to Gas Bubbles.
Lit. (2007): Bubble Noise from Søderberg Pots.
Lit. (2007): Theory of Bubble Noise, Bath Height, Anode Quality.
Lit. (2007): Modeling Bubble Driven Flow for Slotted Anode Design.
Lit. (2005): Simulation of Bubble Layer.
Lit. (2005): Bubble Movement under the Anode.
Lit. (2002): Bubble Growth and Voltage Fluctuations.
Lit. (2002): Visualizing Gas Evolution.
Lit. (2000): Observations of Anode Overvoltage and Gas Bubbling.
Lit. (1999): Modelling of Gas Bubble Growth.
Gibbs Free Energy for Standard Potential
Kelvin: Conversion of Temperatures
Lit. (2008) Method of Measuring the Liquidus and Bath Temperature
Lit. (1993) Tarcy, Rolseth, Thonstad
Pascal: Conversion Factors of Pressure Units
Pearson and Waddington: Current Efficiency
Poise: Unit of Dynamic Viscosity
PSI: Conversion Factors of Pressure Units
Electrolytic Volume Production
Haupin Equivalent Weight Ratio
Tabereaux Equivalent Weight Ratio
Reversible Decomposition Voltage
Lit. (2017): Hydrodynamic, Thermoelectric 3D Model for Slotted Carbon Anode Efficiency.
Lit. (2017): FEA: Slot Size Effect on Thermal-Electrical Behaviour of Anode.
Lit. (2007): Development, Deployment of Slotted Anode Technology.
Lit. (2007): Effect of Slotted Anodes on Parameters of PB-Line.
Lit. (2007): Modeling Bubble Driven Flow for Slotted Anode Design.
Lit. (2007): Anode Slots Cutting.
Lit.(2007): Production, Performance of Slotted Anodes.
Stoke: Unit of Kinematic Viscosity
see Voltage
"Essential Readings: Aluminum Reduction Technology" Ed. G. Bearne et al. (2013)
"Aluminium Electrolysis" Thonstad et al. 3rd Edition(2001)
" Introduction to Aluminium Electrolysis" Grjotheim et al. 2nd Edition(1998)
"Production of Aluminum and Alumina" Burkin Ed.(1987)
"Aluminium Electrolysis" Grjotheim et al. 2rd Edition(1982)
"Aluminium Smelter Technology" Grjotheim et al. (1980)
Gusberti (2014): Modelling the Mass and Energy Balance.
Cooksey (2012): Method of Measuring Ohmic Resistance.
Al Zarouni (2011): Minimising Perfluorocarbon Gas Emissions.
Jessen (2008): Mathematical Modeling of HH-Cell.
Iffert (2007): Cell Control and Optimisation.
Patterson (2001): Fluoride Emissions.
Kuschel (1990): Effect of Alumina Properties on its Dissolution Behaviour.
Lit. (2013) Composition and Thermal Analysis of Crust.
Lit. (2009) Aspects of Crust Formation.
Torr: Conversion Factors of Pressure Units
see Bath Voltage
see Cell Voltage
see Overvoltages
see Reversible Decomposition Voltage