Welcome to the interactive web page to familiarize you with the structure of a conventional Hall - Héroult electrolysis cell to produce aluminum. When you hit the New Item button an element of the electrolysis cell shows up. You drag the element with the mouse pointer to the right position. Hit the Move Item button and AlWeb helps you to place the item. AlWeb shows with the Play button the parts of the electrolysis cell and moves them in an animated sequence.
Hit the New Item button to show a new element of the electrolysis cell. Drag the element with the mouse pointer to the right position. Hit the Move Item button and AlWeb places the new item. Hit the Play button to start an animated sequence that shows all the elements and moves them to their positions.
OK finished
New Item
Move Item
About CellSchema an Interactive Web Page
CellSchema familiarizes you with the structure of a conventional Hall - Héroult electrolysis cell. You construct the electrolysis cell by dragging the cell elements with the mouse pointer to the right position. CellSchema can help you with an animated sequence to build up the cell.